The film I saw Wednesay night was, in fact, several of these things. Skin, directed by Anthony Fabian, is the true story of Sandra Laing, a dark-skinned woman born to two white parents at the height of Apartheid in 1955 South Africa. Her struggles with identity and racism are immensely painful to watch but a testament to her great personal strength.
This was the world premiere for Skin, which has yet to be picked up for North American distribution but hopefully will be as this is a story that needs to be heard. When the real life Sandra Laing appeared at the end of the night to answer questions with director Anthony Fabian, the audience were on their feet in a shot and remained there for a long, long time.
Earlier in the week I also caught A Film With Me In It, a dark comedy of epically bad luck revolving around a death trap of an apartment. Sharply clever and knee-deep in charm, the most I can say about this Irish movie without giving the game away is that if you should ever have the misfortune of unwittingly moving into a death trap apartment, Dylan Moran as Pierce is the guy you want as your partner in crime.

With only one TIFF screening remaining for me—Michael Winterbottom's Genova—I'm already sad at the thought of the festival's close. Toronto's one cool city, whether the festival's on or not, but it's wonderful, for that week and a half in September, to see its confidence level sky-high.