Today I'm very happy to appear on Wondrous Reads answering Jenny's questions about I Know It's Over (she has a fantastic review of the book up there too!) and writing in general.
You can also see the new paperback cover for I Know It's Over there. It's very different from the hardcover (curious to know what everyone else thinks...) but I like it too and will put it on my blog here later in the week.
By the way, while you're over at Wonderous Reads as well as checking out the other reviews you might want to have a look at the US vs. UK covers for Uglies, The Hunger Games and the original UK cover art for Twilight. It's very interesting to note the differences.
Thank you, Jenny!
C. K. Kelly Martin
likes to write things down and is a firm believer in the John Lennon quote, "If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal." She's written a middle grade sci-fi and multiple young adult books including I KNOW IT'S OVER, YESTERDAY, and DELICATE. Her recent speculative novels, SHANTALLOW and RISE, TOMORROW GIRL, are released under the name Cara Martin. The former is a creepy horror centring on a kidnapping and a malevolent house, and in the latter a seventeen-year-old girl is revived after decades in cryogenic storage, cured of a deadly virus, only to discover "the future isn't what it used to be" and her life is still in danger.