Speaking of things that happen annually, it seems Canadians are staring election season in the face again. Most countries like to skip a couple years in between federal elections but not us and I'm beginning to wonder, now that this has become a yearly event for us, whether we should combine election day with October Thanksgiving festivities to jazz things up a little. Wouldn't going to your local polling station be more fun if they'd offer you a free ham or turkey or maybe a warm slice of apple crumble?
Our loveable leader Steve-o could gain a leg up on the competition by recording versions of current hit songs like I Know You Want Me and I'm Yours and handing out his CDs free along with the pie etc.

“Baby, I don't care, I don't care, what they say”
—I Know You Want Me

And just today I saw in the paper that Stephen Harper told his party's faithful he believes a majority government “is in reach.”
“Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some.”—I'm Yours
Damn, Steve-o! Seems like it's always your turn to win some (what happened to the learn some?). I'm starting to think that it's because you lack charisma to such an astounding degree that whenever your name's mentioned or your image appears, folks simply stop paying attention. This would explain your apparent impunity. A hearty percentage of the electorate are too bored with you to want to hear about the latest wrongs you and your party have committed.
But wouldn't it be cool to have someone in power (at least until next year!) that we wouldn't have to ignore, someone we might be able to have a modicum of respect for, someone who might even give a shit if we were being held against our will in a foreign country. I'm just saying...
In other news, this feminist re-imagining of Twilight — Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed is popping up around the Internet and it kicks ass.
Also, David Yoo, author of Girls For Breakfast and Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before has a terrific Writers Against Racism post over at the School Library Journal blog. I think Stop Me would make a great movie. Would love to see the roundabout scene and all those sweet sequences between Albert and Mia at the inn (and no, I don't mean that) played out on the big screen. Think about picking up the book if you haven't read it already.