But anyway, Christmas was wonderful despite the soggy weather and I'm listening to one of my Christmas pressies as I type this—The Swell Season's new album, Strict Joy. Also, turkey is roasting because we were out for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meals but still wanted to make a turkey for ourselves (don't want to miss out on all those turkey leftovers). So the smell of turkey is tickling my nostrils, making it very difficult not to dig into the homemade cookies and coffee cake that various people (my mom, my aunt and my friend) have passed on. But I really don't want to spoil my appetite so I'm exercising an admirable amount of restraint (so far!).
In the new year I'll be starting revisions on my fourth book, Delicate. This means I'll have to cut back on reading, which is difficult to do when you're surrounded by books. Lately my hold list at the local library has spun out of control so I've decided to suspend all of the hold books currently on my list until near the end of March and concentrate on reading books already (or about to be) in my possession. Here's what I'll be reading in early 2010:
* Last Night in Twisted River (by John Irving)
It's too early to start talking about Delicate much but I can't bring it up without mentioning the Damien Rice tune, can I? That just wouldn't be right. Especially seeing as I'm crazy for the song.
Finally, here's a mock cover I made up for Delicate, to relieve some of my own suspense in waiting to see what coolness Nicole at Random House will come up with.