Congratulations, Tanita! I love that this will expand the group of people who will come to know and admire Mare!
In non-book news, the Emperor Harper prorogued T-shirt Paddy and I designed showed up late in the week, well in time for the coming protest, and it looks just awesome. You see:
And here's the back:
I ordered this before I knew there was going to be a formal protest, just to wear around in a more or less constant state of personal protest. But now I really want to wear it at the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament demonstration on January 23rd so I've had to order a second, bigger T-shirt that I'll be able to fit over my coat. See, the cold weather here in Canada hasn't been prorogued, so most likely the temperature will be somewhere between markedly chilly and downright freezing on January 23rd, depending on what part of the country you're in and other factors. Don't let that stop you from attending a protest near you though. Fighting for democracy is definitely worth a few goosebumps. We just need to wrap up. Layers are our friend. Stephen Harper is not.
Finally, I want to mention that Some Girls Are (by fellow Canadian author Courtney Summers) arrived at my apartment late in the week too. I'll be diving into it within the next few days but here's the chronology of events so far:
First, I invited SGA in and showed it into the living room where it made itself comfy on my couch.

Soon One Lonely Degree and I Know It's Over joined them and they were all getting along like a house on fire. At first it was nice to see but then they got a bit cliquey.

When my ARC of The Lighter Side of Life and Death bounded along they said it couldn't hang out with them because it wasn't a proper book yet. I thought that was snobby and mean and was angry on its behalf but The Lighter Side of Life and Death is pretty happy-go-lucky and easy-going and didn't really care too much.

Since that's the case I've decided to let them all work things out between themselves in their own time. These minor troubles aside, I'm very happy to see Some Girls Are.
Congrats, Courtney, on the release of your new book!