* “When a government starts trying to cancel dissent or avoid dissent is frankly when it’s rapidly losing its moral authority to govern.”
— Stephen Harper, Canadian Press, April 18, 2005
So obviously our Prime Minister thinks Canadians are stupid or apathetic or both! My guess is both. Anyway, if you're Canadian you're already aware that Prime Minister Harper has temporarily suspended Parliament for the second time in a year. If you disapprove hopefully you have already contacted your MP to let them know that.* “The Liberals, apparently, want to prorogue the House. They want to run out of town, get out of town just one step ahead of the sheriff. Is the Liberal government committed to staying here as planned throughout the month of November so that it can be held accountable in the House for its actions?”
— Stephen Harper, Hansard, October 20, 2003
And if you care about Canadian democracy and believe this is an assault on that democracy I hope you'll also make a point of attending one of the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament rallies being held in cities across the country this Saturday.
You can find your nearest rally at the sidebar on the No Prorogue! website or check out this Google map with times & locations, including protests in Dallas, California and New York. See you out there!
And now a message from one of our founding fathers: