If I had to sum up Some Girls Are in one word it would be relentless. The bad things don't stop. Mean girls seemingly do not rest and Regina, who has lived the mean girl life for most of her high school career, knows how to fight fire with fire. You have to admire her, nasty as she's been in the past herself, For not crumbling (even as she pops antacid after antacid) and instead plotting retaliation for the many wrongs committed against her.
But the character I admired most was Michael, a true to himself loner long ago labelled a freak by Anna's clique and who has since been relegated to “the garbage table,” the only possible place left for Regina to sit after being rejected and humiliated by her former friends. But will Michael give Regina a chance? And just how far are Regina's enemies willing to take their thirst to wound?
Some Girls Are is one hell of a hard-hitting book. Author Courtney Summers doesn't go easy on anyone—she ruthlessly peels back layer after layer of cruelty—while you wince and read on, transfixed. A brilliantly raw revelation from the author of Cracked Up to Be.