I Don't Want to Know (If You Don't Want Me)

I Don't Want to Know (If You Don't Want Me)

With the release of The Lighter Side of Life and Death exactly a week away now seems like a good time to post some more music from the playlist (which you can find in its entirety here). This song by The Donnas is one that Mason can really relate to when it becomes obvious that he and Kat have very different feelings about their night together:

The playful quality of Regina Spektor's That Time makes me think of their three-year-old friendship, all the sweet, funny, silly memories you find you've built up around somebody you're really fond of when you've known them awhile.

But some of my song choices for the playlist are what they are simply because they're referenced directly in the book. For instance, in Chapter Twenty-Two Mason's at a party where the Black Eyed Peas are blasting out of garden speakers and in Chapter Four Lily Allen's Everyone's At It is playing while Mason and his friends are driving around.

The Last Song by The All-American Rejects isn't the final song on the playlist but it's close and could serve as the soundtrack for Chapter Twenty-One and most of Chapter Twenty-Two. 

Liz Phair's Rock Me is the perfect tune to sum up aspects of Mason's relationship with a woman almost eight years older than him. 

But if I had to pick a single song to represent the book this one by We Are Scientists is my absolute favourite:

The sense of anticipation is downright electric.
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