Also a reminder that the paperback version of The Lighter Side of Life and Death comes out on the 26th. The book actually begins in April so an April paperback release date seems fitting indeed. Come to think of it My Beating Teenage Heart also begins in April. Paperback release aside, I'm partial to spring and extremely glad winter is behind us and the chill is beginning (at times!) to subside.
It was pretty windy when we were strolling Queen Street last Sunday though (even before the rain turned into what I hope was winter's last gasp of snow in the evening). Unsurprisingly I bought more records at Rotate This and I was planning to pick up the new Glasvegas CD early last week but the release was put back to this coming Tuesday up here.
Wandering past the Silver Snail last Sunday I had to stop and snap a couple of photos of their extremely cool window display of unfolding Star Wars drama. Unfortunately, because I took the below images with a camera phone and the glare from the window was strong the coolness isn't nearly as evident in the picture as it was in real life.

For example, you can't even see Darth Vader and Obi-Wan duelling in the structure off to the left in the image below. Or that in the above photo Yoda is holding a sign saying "Dagoba," hoping to catch a ride in that direction, I suppose. What Spiderman is doing hanging out on the Millennium Falcon, I don't know but I guess the Rebellion can use all the help it can get!