In case you can't quite read the above sign on the passionate nature of tulips, here's the bit that really caught my eye: “When a young man presents a tulip to his mistress he gives her to understand, by the general color of the flower, that he is on fire with her beauty; and by the black base of it, that his heart is burnt to a coal.”
Marauding squirrels, huh? I picture people arriving home from vacation to find their entire neighbourhood—maybe even their entire town—has been pillaged by pint-size furry marauders. Do you think I could shop the idea to an animation studio? I'm thinking Steve Carell could do the voice of the lead character, a reluctant marauding squirrel who isn't sure that the otherwise motley crew he belongs to is doing the right thing. And there's gotta be a part for Catherine Keener in there, mainly because I love her in everything but secondly, it'd be nice to reunite her with her 40 Year Old Virgin co-star.
I hope wherever you are that you're able to enjoy some of nature's beauty this May—and if marauding squirrels happen to swallow up some of your bulbs, consider that maybe they're not marauding at all but simply misunderstood. Hey, we all need a snack once in awhile.