True North Strong and Free

True North Strong and Free

"Say what you know, do what you must, come what may." - Sofia Kovalevskaya

Russian Mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaya wrote these words in 1888, and the message holds true across miles and years. Stay true. And in this case also, elbows up, Canada. I know Canadians will do what they can to support their neighbours and countrymen during this difficult time. We will never again feel the same way about the United States, a once valued friend and ally, no matter what happens from here on out. We will, however, do what we must for our national sovereignty. Because Canada is not the United States. We value different things, and we will control our own destiny, no matter what that costs in dollars and cents.

Like The Tragically Hip's Gord Downie sang in Wheat Kings,  "You can't be fond of living in the past, 'Cause if you are, then there's no way that you're gonna last." Together we will move forward from where we currently stand, mindful of what matters, and we will weather the storm.

This country isn't perfect, but it has never stopped striving to be better. Canada is beautiful, strong, and free. And it's ours.

Canadian flag flying between two tall trees

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